
All mothers, all babies count: pathways and quality of care.

All mothers, all babies count: pathways and quality of care.

As part of its yearly commitment, HDF participated in the 21st week of the Mother-Child Network of the Francophonie (RMEF)under the theme "All mothers, all babies count: pathways and quality of care." This event took place in Morocco.

The event provided a platform for exchange and sharing through a variety of activities, including conferences, round tables and workshops. Some twenty French-speaking university hospitals from all over the world took part to discuss the latest advances in medicine. Two HDF doctors took part in the round tables. In addition, a midwife and a pediatric nurse presented work carried out in maternity and pediatrics.

Ministry of Public Health audit visit to Hôtel-Dieu de France

Ministry of Public Health audit visit to Hôtel-Dieu de France

A delegation from the Ministry of Public Health, in collaboration with the WHO, visited Hôtel-Dieu de France (HDF) to assess the preparedness plan for a massive influx of victims and reinforce the priority actions to be implemented.

During this mission, enriching exchanges took place between representatives of the Ministry and HDF teams, enabling knowledge and experience to be shared. This field simulation enabled us to test the reactions and practical sheets in place, thus ensuring better preparation for emergency situations.

The following objectives were developed during the visit:

  • Assess preparedness: Ensure that the emergency department is ready to handle mass casualty incidents and health disasters by testing the emergency plans and procedures in place.
  • Identify strengths and areas for improvement in health crisis management.
  • Build capacity: Develop the skills and abilities of professionals in charge of managing mass casualty incidents and health disasters.
  • Ensure that medical equipment is ready and available to deal with any mass influx of victims.

The members of the Ethics Committee of Hôtel Dieu de France visit to the Ethics Center at the Catholic University of Lille in France

The members of the Ethics Committee of Hôtel Dieu de France visit to the Ethics Center at the Catholic University of Lille in France

The members of the Ethics Committee of Hôtel Dieu de France visited the Ethics Center at the Catholic University of Lille in France to participate in a two-day training session. During this training, various ethical themes were discussed and explored in collaboration with the members of this center.

Information session to present the latest innovations and services offered

Information session to present the latest innovations and services offered

Hôtel-Dieu de France has organized an information session to present the latest innovations and services offered. During this event, the Managing Director of the USJ-HDF hospital network, Mr. Nassib Nasr, presented information and updates on the new HDF-USJ hospital network as well as the strategies and new services offered by Hôtel-Dieu de France.

Prof. Ismat Ghanem, Head of the Orthopedic Surgery Department, then presented the revolutionary EOS imaging technology. This technology allows for a significant reduction in X-ray exposure while offering high-precision images, representing a major advancement for orthopedic diagnostics.

Prof. Rami Bou Khalil, Head of the Psychiatry Department, detailed the services offered by the psychiatry department and the day hospital. The presentation continued with Prof. Zeina Aoun, Head of the Pulmonology and Medical Intensive Care Department, who explained the innovative role of the FENO test in the management of airway diseases. This non-invasive test allows for the measurement of airway inflammation, providing valuable assistance in the diagnosis and monitoring of diseases such as asthma.

Finally, Ms. Corine Aad introduced the "HDF at Home" service, aimed at providing optimal care for patients in the comfort of their own homes. The event concluded with a cocktail reception in the Bamboo garden, offering an opportunity for discussion and exchange in a convivial setting.


Psynéma #2

Psynéma #2

Director, writer, and actor George Khabbaz was a guest at Hôtel-Dieu de France, where he participated in the screening of the film "Ghadi," invited by the PSYNEMA cinema club at the hospital. The film explores the story of a father who refuses to admit his son, who has Down syndrome, into a care facility despite pressure from the neighborhood where the Lippa family resides.

Dr. Rami Bou Khalil, Head of the Psychiatry Department at Hôtel-Dieu, delivered a speech praising George Khabbaz's unique approach to a societal issue, saying, "I am pleased to open today's second meeting organized by the Psychiatry Department at the hospital, a quarterly meeting aimed at shedding light on mental health."

"Today, our guest is the writer and director George Khabbaz, known for his creative talent and commitment to social issues through his attachment to Lebanon and its culture," he added.

In turn, Khabbaz thanked his hosts, saying, "I love people with special needs; they are characterized by sincerity and genuine love. With them, I discovered a beautiful world of transparency. I feel like I am with a group of angels. I am excited to make a film about them after discovering that society treats them with superiority and hostility."

After the film screening, Dr. Antoine Kassab conducted a dialogue with Khabbaz, addressing queries and questions from the audience.

At the conclusion, Dr. Bou Khalil presented Khabbaz with an honorary shield of appreciation.

Gender dysphoria: Understanding and taking action

Gender dysphoria: Understanding and taking action

An enlightening conference on the challenges of gender dysphoria was recently organized by the Psychiatry and Gynecology & Abnormal Placentations Services at Hôtel-Dieu de France. The event was attended by Mr. Nassib Nasr, Director General of the USJ-HDF hospital network, Professor Elie Nemr, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at USJ, as well as numerous medical department heads, directors, and officials.

Healthcare professionals shared diverse perspectives on crucial topics surrounding gender dysphoria, emphasizing the need to welcome distress and accompany suffering. They also discussed the clinical presentation and diagnosis of gender dysphoria, the medical treatment of transgender transition, barriers to accessing care, as well as the surgical aspects of management.

This event helped to strengthen the understanding and multidisciplinary collaboration among healthcare professionals to better support individuals affected by gender dysphoria.

Fin de vie et de mort

Fin de vie et de mort

The Ethics Committee of the Hôtel Dieu de France held its annual day under the theme of "𝑭𝒊𝒏 𝒅𝒆 𝒗𝒊𝒆 𝒆𝒕 𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒕"

After a tribute to Father Michel Scheuer, Director of USJ's University Ethics Center, speeches by Lebanese, French and Belgian specialists followed on various themes relating to the end of life, euthanasia and death.


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