
Hôtel-Dieu de France was the first hospital in Lebanon to introduce the Hospital Information System (HIS) in September 2018 and implement it within its institution.

This technological breakthrough represents a major tool for monitoring hospital activity on multiple levels and contributes to the optimization of the patient journey and the reform of management structures. Through this system, Hôtel-Dieu de France is committed to centralizing its services around the patient, ensuring seamless data synchronization.

The HIS offers the hospital a series of advantages:

Efficiency and Speed
The new system provides patients with a complete and secure medical file (Imaging, Laboratory, Pharmacy, Hospitalization), helping professionals with medical diagnoses and improving coordination across various aspects of the patient’s journey, from admission to discharge.

Optimization and Performance
The HIS is the ideal tool to optimize time management, resource allocation, cost reduction, productivity, and overall performance. It improves coordination among professionals, enabling even better service for patients.

Traceability and Transparency
The system allows HDF professionals to track and monitor processes at all levels (medical, nursing, administrative), ensuring improved data accessibility and enabling faster decision-making.

Support and Proximity
Finally, the HIS enhances the quality of support, services, and care, allowing professionals to alleviate routine administrative tasks and spend more time with patients.

Always prioritizing patient comfort, HDF provides optimal, professional, and universal services. The application and implementation of the HIS benefit healthcare professionals, patients, and visitors alike. This system is a remarkable step toward the hospital of tomorrow.